Taman Negara is one of the oldest tropical rainforest of the world which is a home to tigers, birdlife and enormous flowers. The most extensive protected area for more than 100 species of birds, butterflies, insects, fish and plants. Visitors come here to discover the living treasure, spectacular caves, Malaysia’s highest mountains, trekking through dense, thick forest pathways and swimming in the crystal clear pool. A famous walkway showcases the stunning views of the rainforest. It is actually a national Park which is considered a natural paradise to experience the lifetime adventure for the travellers. Taman Negara city tour gives you a chance to come close the different species like Asian Elephant, Barking Deer, Giant squirrel, wild Pig & Rhinos. It is existing for the past 130 million years is the most protected area in the city. The forest is also dominated by the variety of plant species like Parasites, Gingers, Fungi, Lichens and also Orchids. It took 3 hours from Kuala Lumpur to reach Taman Negara. To visit the park is very easy as a tour guide assist you during your tour. There you will also see the hunter gathering lifestyle which use bamboo blowpipes to hunt. The perfect gateway takes you to the heart of Taman Negara which is the best point of adventure.
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